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CSUEU-MB Chapter Elections - 2020

Writer's picture: CSUEUMB Communications LiasonCSUEUMB Communications Liason

Dear CSUEU Represented* Employee:

It’s time to nominate and elect officers for our CSUEU chapter. Members in good standing are eligible to run for office, and self-nominations are encouraged. Terms are for three years and all officers must complete steward training. We are seeking nominations for:

  • Chapter President

  • Chapter Vice President

  • Chapter Organizing Chair

  • Chapter Records Officer

  • Chapter Treasurer

  • Bargaining Unit Representatives: Unit 2, Unit 5, Unit 7 and Unit 9

The duties of each office are listed below.

If you are interested in running for office:

  1. Please fill out the attached “Nomination and Consent Form for Chapter Officers.”

  2. Email completed forms to the Election Committee members at with “CSUEU” in the subject line.

Nomination and Consent Forms are due by 5:00 pm, Tuesday, December 1st

in order for those nominated to be prepared for the Nomination ZOOM Meeting on December 4, 2020, time to be advised.

Elections will be handled by CSUEU Head Quarters (HQ). Ballots will be mailed to members in mid-January. Results will be announced February 28, 2021.

Your 2020-21 Chapter Election Committee:

  • Tiffany Grau

  • Mark Lasnik

  • Christina Rocchi

CSUEU Chapter Officer Duties:

A. President/General Council Delegate:

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Committee, and shall exercise general supervision over activities of the Chapter. The President shall appoint and remove all members of committees, subject to the rights of the Executive Committee to disaffirm such appointment or removal, and shall be an Ex Officio member of each Chapter Committee. The President, by reason of their office, is a member of the board of directors of the corporation CSUEU and is required to attend CSUEU Board meetings.

B. Vice President:

The Vice-President shall act for, and in the place of, the President at the latter’s request or during his/her absence or disability, and shall perform duties as assigned by the President. In the absence of an elected Chief Steward, the Vice President may serve in that capacity.

C. Treasurer:

The Treasurer shall review and monitor all chapter financial transactions, render a financial report at each Chapter and Executive Board meeting, render such financial reports to the CSUEU Vice President for Finance as required by the Policy File, and perform such other duties as assigned by the President.

D. Chapter Records Officer:

The Chapter Records Officer shall record the minutes of all chapter and executive committee meetings, conduct the correspondence of the chapter, have custody of the records of the chapter, ensure that a copy of the Chapter Bylaws, CSUEU Bylaws and Policy File, and CSEA Bylaws and Policy File are available at all meetings. The Chapter Records Officer shall transmit copies of all amendments to the Chapter Bylaws to the CSUEU Policy File Committee Chair. The Chapter Records Officer shall perform such other duties as assigned by the President. The Chapter Records Officer shall make chapter minutes available to all represented employees. The Chapter Records Officer shall oversee the management of the chapters email distribution list along with the assistance of the chair of the communication committee.

E. Chapter Bargaining Unit Representatives:

The Chapter Bargaining Unit Representatives represent the employees in their respective Bargaining Units, at chapter and executive committee meetings, and present their constituents’ views to respective unit councils either in writing, or when authorized, in person at meetings of the unit council.

F. Chapter Organizing Committee Chair:

The Chapter Organizing Committee Chair shall chair the Chapter’s Organizing Committee. The Chair shall ensure that new employee packets are distributed. The Chair shall develop chapter programs to promote membership recruitment and coordinate the implementation of CSUEU-approved statewide organizing programs on the campus. The Chair shall oversee the management of the campus/chapter bulletin boards along with the assistance of the chair of the communication committee.

G. Chief Steward:

The Chapter’s "certified stewards" shall elect a Chief Steward. The Chief Steward shall track campus grievances and chair meetings of the Stewards Council. The Chief Steward shall make monthly reports to their assigned LRR, the Chapter President and the Vice President for Representation on all representation activity in their chapter.

*Please note that only represented employees may participate in elections.

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