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Questions for President Ochoa and others (Labor Council 4/10/2020)

Q: Currently, procards purchases need to be delivered to campus and the personnel or student whom it is being purchased for must drive to campus to pick it up. This is impractical for many reasons; this is in direct violation of the County’s new restrictions and the University’s “building access” policy, not all individuals are near campus especially with regard to students, and lastly employees will need to be defensive driving certified and reimbursed for mileage. Can a temporary policy change be enacted allowing for delivery to home addresses upon individual approval from an MPP?


A: Memo coming out on Pro Cards this afternoon.  A manager will determine what is being purchased and if it needs to be delivered to a home.  The manager will be the authority.

Update: Memo from Finance -


Q: Can departments with no one working on campus be notified by email of mail/package deliveries?


A: Mailroom is not delivering packages or mail to buildings.  Most departments are picking up mail on the designated hours of MWF 8-10 and 3-4, if needed, please call 831-582-3703.  Kevin Saunders will ask if email notifications can be sent when mail is received. If someone is expecting a package, please notify the mailroom.


Q: Is there a way to identify the updates on the CSUMB COVID-19 web page, rather than searching for and trying to remember what is new info?  Perhaps consider posting updates with calendar dates.


A: “They” are trying to update it so that it is clearer what is new information.  Correspondence is listed with distribution dates.

Scroll down to the section titled " Correspondences to Staff and Faculty"


Q: One employee told us: “Our administrator had told us we can go to campus as needed to do our jobs.”  Is that the same as being designated to work on campus?


A: No. The only people working on campus and permitted on campus have been designated as essential. Non essential employees should not be directed to just do your job on campus. If an employee has a need to come to campus for any reason, the employee needs to notify and get authorization from their appropriate administrator first.


Q: For those working on campus, have workstations been arranged with social distance in mind and PPE provided?


A: Only use certain workstations to be at distances. Up to the managers to make sure this is happening. 


CSUMB getting a supply on face coverings to provide to Essential Personnel. Anyone can wear a face covering on campus. Will make sure all employees are trained and provided. In some cases, facilities needs N95. Delivery expected next Wednesday.

Report any issues to Natalie or Melanie.


Q: Are President Ochoa and the Cabinet aware that there are employees who are not permitted to work remotely and are begrudgingly mandated to use CPAL?  Coincidentally these are employees in the lowest salary ranges on campus. (Equity is not just an issue for students) This workforce is in dire need of training and has proactively requested to complete the necessary training while working remotely.  Unfortunately, their requests have been denied. What needs to be done to allow these employees to temporarily work remotely?


A: UP thinks this has been addressed for Unit 5. Talked to managers. Managers went through the available trainings and determined none were necessary for their jobs.


Q: We’ve had some questions from Temporary employees with appointment end dates beyond the summer. They are concerned about near-term job security. Have there been any changes to these appointments?


A: The manager will need to follow the temporary employee mandate in order to extend employment. 

No temporary end dates have been moved.


Q: Some departments receive funds from student fees now subject to refunds. Are these positions under threat?


A: Per Ronnie Higgs, there are not any positions that are under threat due to these refunds.


Q: We know custodial services are contracted out but at a few CSU campuses (Sacramento and CI), they introduced new chemicals to the custodial process without providing training or PPE resulting in eye irritation. What measures is CSUMB taking to avoid similar problems?


A: The third party company is fully trained.   Personnel is using a special cleaning agent ProtexUs and is used typically after midnight.


Q: CSUEU needs a list of represented employees designated as working on campus / working remotely / administrative time off / etc. This will be a recurring request and will need to be kept up to date.  When will that list be sent?


A: In accordance with the RFI sent April 1, a list was sent.  Melanie Chavez will send a list every Friday.



  • Extended CPAL to 256 hours

  • Admissions issues, not really a personnel matter

  • Follow the Monterey County health department & emergency services. Lots of updates and guidance

    • 71 cases and 3 fatalities in Monterey county. About 1500 tests

    • Broken down by demographics on their website

  • A student got sick off campus after going home

  • CFA: PDFs of COVID related MOU that have been sent out

  • CFA: chairs told to expect a 20% enrollment drop. No projections from VPSA yet. Planning for flat enrollment. Have to wait and see

  • Dept of Finance. Gov’s January budget is off the table. Cannot count on last year’s budget. No one knows how bad it will be. Unemployment. Impact on state revenue picture and thus budget. Need to look at different scenarios of cuts.

  • Deans making claims without specific data. 

  • Provost told Deans to leave some sections unpublished and open up additional sections only as needed.

  • CFA: Student informing a faculty member about COVID-19. What is the process? Specific guidance to be provided. Not appropriate for faculty to collect personal health info. There will be a self report process that goes to Health and Wellness. Next week a protocol will be communicated to faculty & staff. In meantime, contact Ana Hernandez 

  • Docs on Duty will contact county health dept

  • Vanessa CFA: chair scheduling on campus meetings for May 5. How do we come back on campus? We don’t know when...the date has been moved once. Coming back to campus will be a Cabinet decision. Cabinet is still discussing. Ask for dates not put on the calendar for on campus yet. Will instruct the Deans to be clear when scheduling placeholder meetings. CSUMB will follow the stricter of County or State guidelines. Campus to resume activities in an orderly manner. Need a consistent message from managers.

  • Oscar CFA: Sacramento office is closed right now. Requests Level 1 grievance decisions done by email. Discuss offline

  • Meghan CFA: Where are the CARES act allocations ($8m) going? Guidance coming from CO at next A&F VP systemwide call.

  • Vanessa CSUEU: How to send mail out? How to get reimbursement? Mailroom is accepting for mailing out

  • Jason CSUEU: Telecommuting agreements. Has to be addressed at systemwide

  • Continue meeting every two weeks. Cancel if no questions. 


CHAT transcript


14:10:33     From Vanessa Lopez-Littleton : Where on the UP website are the policies? I can’t seem to find them.

14:11:00     From Melanie Chavez : 

14:13:13     From Vanessa Lopez-Littleton : I’m looking for the policies Meghan mentioned. This takes me to the COVID site. Is there a direct link? Or tell me what what to click on to find the policies.

14:13:59     From Vanessa Lopez-Littleton : Found it

14:15:13     From Amy Thomas : Good resource for COVID19 local info and health/safety: 

14:26:07     From Vanessa Lopez-Littleton : Are essential personnel being provided masks?

14:27:48     From Vanessa Lopez-Littleton : Is the campus planning a broader campaign to secure donations for the Basic Needs Pantry which has been depleted their funds?

14:30:30     From Jason Filice (Chief Steward) : Can that memo from Wednesday be put on the UP Covid-19 info page? I don’t see it.

14:37:44     From Amy Thomas : PPE in the form of masks/respirators are provided to essential personnel who require them for safely completing a task (UPD, Facilities); "face coverings" which are recommended to prevent spread of the virus as per CDC will be provided for essential on-campus employees once the university receives the supply ordered

14:49:14     From Jason Filice (Chief Steward) : Any management comments regarding CSUEU and CSU negotiations about telecommuting policies?

14:49:15     From Jason Filice (Chief Steward) : 

14:50:12     From Oscar Santillano : 916 402 2818



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