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Performance Evaluations

Every employee should receive fair performance evaluations based on job-related criteria by the Appropriate Administrator who is familiar with the regular duties of the employees.

When are employees evaluated? Permanent employees should receive annual performance evaluations. [Article 10.1] An employee should be counseled first if management believes an employee’s performance is not satisfactory. [10.6] There should be no “surprises” in an evaluation.

A temporary employee should be evaluated “periodically.” [Article 10.3] Management’s failure to conduct a performance evaluation cannot be used as a reason for management to deny a salary increase. [Article 10.4]

Probationary employees should be evaluated by the end of the third, sixth and eleventh month of the probationary period. [Article 10.2]

The performance evaluation should cover your work performance, conduct and ability to handle your assigned duties. [Article 10.5]

Your Position Description

Your position description is the basis of the performance evaluation. Prior to your evaluation, you should have an accurate, official position description which includes your specific job duties and the percentage of time spent on each category of duties. The position description should provide the job-related criteria that your Appropriate Administrator uses to measure your performance. [Article 17.2] An up-to-date position description protects you against unreasonable work expectations, excessive workload and
out-of-class work. You should receive it within one week of hire or within 30 days of your request. [Article 17.2] Your Appropriate Administrator may review your job description as part of the evaluation process, or you may request revisions if your position description is out-of-date. You have the right to meet with your Appropriate Administrator to discuss your position description or work assignment. [Article 17.3]

  1. What are the rules for giving and receiving feedback during the evaluation process? 

Your Appropriate Administrator may request a draft from a designated evaluator of your performance evaluator. [Article 10.7] Only your Appropriate Administrator shall present you with a draft of your performance evaluation for your review, input and discussion. [Article 10.7] If you are evaluated on a duty that is not in your job description, you should object.

You have 10 work days to review the draft and provide a response, if any, to your Appropriate Administrator. [Article 10.8] The Appropriate Administrator must consider your input before preparing your final performance evaluation and putting it in your official personnel file. [Article 10.9] The draft of evaluation should not be signed by either party, and you should feel free to rebut anything that you believe is inaccurate or unfair. Upon request, you can ask to meet with your Appropriate Administrator to discuss the evaluation, and you have the right to have a representative in the meeting. Such a meeting shall take place within seven (7) work days. [Article 10.11]

   2. What if I still disagree with my evaluation?

If you still disagree with any aspect of your evaluation, you have the right to submit a rebuttal and have your evaluation reconsidered in light of the rebuttal statement. [Article 10.12] Prior to submitting your rebuttal, you should review it with your CSUEU steward or Labor Relations Representative. If appropriate, your rebuttal may include a request for training and development or another action plan to demonstrate your commitment to improve performance.

Although you may not want to sign a poor evaluation, your signature simply indicates that you have received and read the document, not that you agree with its contents. Accept any legitimate, constructive criticisms in a positive spirit, and work with your steward to rebut inaccurate statements and factual errors. Your goal is to prompt management’s agreement to change your evaluation. Even if you are unsuccessful at amending the original evaluation, you have the right to attach your rebuttal. [Article 10.12]

   3. Can I file a grievance?

Although you cannot grieve the content and overall evaluation rating, you may file a grievance on any violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of other contract sections, particularly if the University did not follow the proper procedures. [Article 10.13] Examples of possible grievances or complaints include the following: the Appropriate Administrator did not follow timelines; the Appropriate Administrator or designated evaluator was unfamiliar with your job duties; the evaluation was not based on the appropriate job description; or the evaluation was arbitrary, retaliatory, or discriminatory. Contact your CSUEU steward or Labor Relations Representative promptly whenever you suspect a contract violation so that timelines are followed.

What can I do to prepare for my next performance appraisal?

  1. Work out a plan with your CSUEU representative to address any negative situation.

  2. Acknowledge and correct any legitimate complaints by improving in these areas.

  3. Document your improvement and seek feedback from co-workers, the Appropriate Administrator, or your CSUEU representative.

  4. Request and pursue job-related training to address areas of concern, keep current in your field, and expand your skills.

  5. Communicate through regular meetings or periodic reports on your progress with your supervisor or administrator

Please note: The self-appraisal is optional;  you do not have to complete it.  It reads: "This is an optional form used at the discretion of an employee..."  

If your supervisor insists on your completing a self-appraisal, please contact a CSUEU Steward immediately.

If the timelines are not being followed, i.e. your supervisor suddenly hands you your evaluation and says, "I want that signed by the end of the day because I'm leaving on vacation for two months,"  please contact a CSUEU Steward immediately.

If you have any questions please contact

UP Performance Evaluations
Performance Evaluations: Text
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