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Steps Bill AB 369 Advances to Senate!

CSUEU-sponsored legislation to restore 5% salary steps to Support Staff cleared the Senate Appropriations Committee today and advances for a full Senate vote in September.

Yes, you can applaud! But be prepared as we have more work to do in the Senate and with the governor after Labor Day.

Assembly Bill 369, authored by Assemblymember Dr. Shirley Weber and co-sponsored by SEIU and Teamsters, will restore an annual 5% salary step for support staff with a satisfactory performance evaluation.

The bill had won overwhelming bi-partisan support from the Assembly in May.

“Today was a great win for CSU employees who are the backbone of the University,” said Vicky McLeod, CSUEU’s legislative committee chair. “We are hopeful this legislation to restore fairness will pass the Senate and will be signed by Governor Newsom.”

CSU support staff are the only state employees who do not receive salary steps. These merit-based salary increases were taken away by the CSU in 1996, and since then the CSU has refused to negotiate salary steps. Over the past two decades, the workers who oversee the functions and operations of the CSU haven’t earned a fair and equitable wage even as the CSU continues to profit from intentionally neglecting its employees.

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