Senate Ed Committee Passes Steps Bill 5-1 June 12, 2019 in Steps
CSUEU-sponsored legislation to restore 5% salary steps to Support Staff cleared a Senate Committee hurdle today. Assembly Bill 369 will advance next to the Senate Appropriations Committee.
The bill, authored by Assemblymember Dr. Shirley Weber and co-sponsored by SEIU and Teamsters, was approved by a 5-1 vote of the Senate Education Committee. Wednesday’s vote follows the Assembly's overwhelming approval of AB 369 by a 69-3 vote. Here is how the Senate committee members voted:
Connie Leyva-D, Chair (YES) Scott-Wilk-R, Vice-Chair (YES) Ling Ling Chang-R (NOT VOTING) Maria Elena Durazo-D (YES) Steven Glazer-D (NO) Mike McGuire-D (YES) Richard Pan-D (YES
CSU presidents and the Chancellor's Office are working hard lobbying Senators to oppose AB 369. It is critical to our continued success that we write letters to our state Senators ASAP urging them to support the restoration of salary steps.
Let’s do this!
Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started:
Type or hand-write your AB 369 support letter.
Use CSUEU talking points but do not simply cut and paste the sample letter. It is critical to “stay on message” but also to personalize your letter such as incorporating your personal story of not progressing through your salary range. Go to the Find Your California Legislator page.
Mail your letter ASAP to your state Senator c/o The State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814. No room number is needed.
You can lift up our #StrongerTogether efforts by joining or renewing your union membership with CSUEU today! If you haven’t already, sign up to be a PAC member and help our union succeed in important political advocacy campaigns.
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